Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Winding down to gear back up...

School is getting to the end of the semester, which is nice for me because it means I can let my mind wander a little bit. Until someone collides with me mid-air and crushes my internal organs. It happens, right? It doesn't? It did, so fuck you.

Tim Lewis organized a loose confederacy of riders to lay siege to Sharp's Ridge. I got there late because I was probably draining the fluids out of my body cavity to reduce swelling. Anyways, What I did see was pretty neat.

J.R. Henry, you still look angry. Sorry, bro. You might be the least approachable man in BMX. I mean that in the nicest way possible. I still like you.

Trail Mix pedals can probably function as a scalpel if needed. I didn't even feel this.

These dudes came through from PA and I only managed to get one decent pic. I want a fisheye. 2.8 would make life easier.

The offending body crusher. No hard feelings, Tim. Mostly because you destroyed my nervous system.

Tim Lewis puts in more work than anyone at the trails. He deserves a lot of love from us. I pay homage by giving him all my extra tires.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Haven't we tried this already?

So Huffy owns DK now? Now we just need JNCO to make a line of jeggings and for Hal Brindley to make some "I love sweetcorn" v-necks and we can call it a day.