Friday, February 20, 2009

The kid is alright...

Also known as the Alex Magellan post. I've known Alex's brother Nathan for several years now, and met Alex about 4 years ago. He was quiet, nice, shredding and wearing girl jeans. He's gotten bigger and stronger since then, but he still shreds...and has a desire to make shit look big and good. It was cold when I ran into the brothers Magellan tonight, but I shook off frost bite of the shutter pressing finger and got some of Alex ripping the hell out of the park.

I know...I bikes. It even says so on the ground around it. But Alex is smoother than most of the skaters and the coping was spared.

"Nice to see you again, Stephen. What tricks are you working on so I can show you how they are done better and about 4 feet higher?"

People think I am nuts when I ice pick this thing...Alex footjams it like it was nothing...

This was the last picture I took. My finger was so cold at this point that I could not tell if I was pressing the button or not, so there were flashes going off all over the place. I know he will say that he can do this trick better, but fucksake, it looked good...

Special thank you to Mica for enduring the cold so that I could ride with Alex and talk shit with Nathan. She's the best girl.


Anonymous said...

old pros to new pros! you are on a roll!!!!

sweet pics, i really like the nosepick!

micasue said...

ughh, I'm awful.

But I love you.