Sunday, December 5, 2010

It's snowing outside. So...

I figured I would post something up. I have a love/hate relationship with this time of the year. I love the holiday and the food (especially the food) and the lights...but I hate being cold and I hate crowds. Online shopping is a great equalizer, but eventually you have to wander out. The cold obviously kills the ability to ride a little, but there are warm-ish days here and there.

Jon and Taco made a rare appearance at the park on just such a warm day.

Adam even got off of his elevated equine beast to do what Adam does, which is...

Mica and I took the kids downtown to the Christmas parade on Friday night. Again, I love the lights and the overall feel, but the crowds...ugh.

Mica's friend Grace brought her girls as well, and Garrett went into full on "hey girl" mode.

Most of the swarm...

It's not a bad life, all in all.

Merry Christmas.

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