Sunday, October 3, 2010

The lull...

I've been so swamped. The wedding is coming up, school is in effect for both me and the kids and work has been a wad of busy that I have not previously known. Anyways, I've been sitting on these pictures I took of Will Love for about a month and since no one replied, I'll run them on the slum-blog.

While there are still a small grouping of shitty skaters who scowl and sneer at riders, for the most part everyone is pretty cool with one another. Josh is one of those guys and while I cannot condone his helmet-less law breaking, I can condone a high speed front-side grind in the deep end of the peanut.

More soon. Weather is changing.


Adam said...

Might not mean much, but damn i was missing your posts!

Anonymous said...

W. Love rocks got some pics of him from a contest years ago in Brevard I think.