Tuesday, June 23, 2009

My kids on bikes.

Weird, I know. It only took Anna eight years to learn how to ride one. When she got going, she was gone. It was awesome and she seems pretty comfortable on it. I even put some T1 grips on there for her since she complained the the stock grips on it hurt her hands.

See me rollin'...

And then she was gone...

I bought Garrett one of those scooter bikes. It functions like a bike with no drive train or pedals. He loves the damn thing and motors all over the house and yard and driveway with it. He's getting the balance down pretty well and will be throwing this thing like his hero in no time.

Yankees start the night 4 games back. Consider this my first rally post of 2009.

1 comment:

micasue said...


they all look really cute, even us.

what are we getting into this weekend?