Sunday, June 28, 2009

Rate my grizz...

Glenn Frey song writing shit style can best sum up the present course of summer at this time. The heat is indeed on. It's fucking Africa hot up in here, although in Africa, there isn't enough moisture to add the humidity to the equation. Still, I'd rather have this over sub-freezing temps any day.

Ride UK's photo issue is out and really pretty good. If you ride and take pictures, I highly recommend picking it up as there are some good pointers in there as well as a really interesting article about doing a photo shoot with a large format camera and a radioactive lens.

I got a 97 on my first Western Civ II exam, which means I am pretty awesome.

Mica discovered the joy of a BBQ sandwich with slaw on it last night. This changes everything.

Now, I am in the process of learning grizz airs. I landed one last night, but I have a little ways to go on this. Tell me what you think...

Adam was on hand to ride against the backdrop of the setting fireball and gave me an invert to document, which was nice...

Then Biggs shows up and blasts over everything into the grass. Ian Schwartz might not be stoked on that, but I wasn't stoked on his part in the Sunday video, so there...

Speaking of...belated as fuck Sunday video premiere at the Yacht Club on Monday night. Fisher Tire boys will be the guest bartenders, so show up and support washed up BMX'ers and play some Street Fighter II.

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