Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I count myself among those who love Futurama.

Would totally smash a cyclops. SMASH. you people doing? Well? I hope so. Things have been hectic at the Dixie Ranch, but we're getting things settled down and rounding into form. School is progressing at a decent clip and a degree is within sight. Just have to get some math outta the way. I hate math.

Took some pictures of actual street riding the other day, which is rare for me because I am old and never really get out and pedal around town much anymore. I should.

Jon Harter is probably one of the best all around riders in Knoxville at this moment. He is angry, a ginger and looks a bit like a primate. These are good things. He iced quite a bit of this ledge...

From Pictures for Blog

Then he 180'd off the ledge over a sidewalk and into the street...

From Pictures for Blog

It wouldn't be me though without a park pic. Adam just sorta learned this junk...

From Pictures for Blog

More later. Go Germany!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Raw Dogggggg

Testing out my Picasa setup on the Mac. I think this is gonna be okay...

Posted by Picasa

Maybe I am a sore loser...

but when I have what was essentially my most horrific moment on a BMX bike happen, I don't really want to see a picture of it. I guess part of me felt like the guy was really trying to "get the crash", but whatever. It bummed me out...especially given what I went through earlier in the week when I was thrust into the position of delivering first aid to a guy that went down really hard on his bike at the skatepark.

I am sure I'll grow as a person from this or something. Just doesn't feel like it right now.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Don't take your guns to town.


Anyways, we had some decent weather at the beginning of the week, so we got started on Monday at Bigfoot. Most of the Knoxville crew will be at Bonaroo for the remainder of the week. As I am over the age of 30 and have access to iTunes, I will stay home and listen to the music.

So, like I said, some riding took place. Pictures!

This is the take off of one of the jumps. Tennessee clay sucks sometimes. To be fair, this is normally used by mountain bikers and they seem to not give a hell.

Adam gets roasty.

Tim flows and probably shouts an obscenity mid-jump.

Adam shot me going around the bend. I liked the picture. Which pains me.

Oh, I also put together a really uninspiring edit, but I am working on it. iMovie is fun.

Dixie's Knoxville Edit. from DixieBMX on Vimeo.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

School's in.

I started my summer classes today. All online stuff, so I hope I can handle it okay. I have in the past, but it gets progressively more difficult, which I suppose is the point. I'll have to write a short story by the end of the idea how that is gonna pan out.

Recently, I was afforded the opportunity to contribute to the Least/Most site via an interview with Bobby Fisher. As I have some pretty good access to ol' Bob, it was easy to compile and Bobby was glad to do it. Go over to Least/Most and check it out if you haven't seen it already.

Anna's last day of school passed recently and she pulled in quite a few awards. Garrett went to the ceremony with us and displayed some pride in his sissy. He is pretty set on going to the same school as her, so we'll see what happens.

Tim Lewis tried the new line at Bigfoot, but the results were...a case study in not being ready. CASE STUDY. See what I did there? God...shoot me.

I left this shot of Adam off of my last post. It was decent. I can't wait to get over that jump. Two in the line down...two to go. The eight pack will be slain this summer.

I am thinking about posting a bike check later on this week. Self-indulgent bullshit, I reckon.