Monday, July 12, 2010


I actually did. Rode like, three spots. That is a lot for this dude these days. At the tender age of thirty-five, I don't really go tearing around the city with my camera gear strapped to me. So, the first offering is Jon Harter with a footplant on the Butcher Shop Wall. It totally came out the way that I wanted it to, which is rare.


Next we have Chase at this "under a bridge spot" near the Butcher wall. This was, I think, his sixth tuck no hander down this huge bank, and was the best one. Flashes not firing and late shutter clicks were a bitch, but it was worth it.

Harter riding the curb-stack sub downtown. This spot has been around for a bit, and the last time I rode it I was probably in my twenties. Maybe that is exaggerating. Anyways, we rode it, I screamed a bit and whatever. Stephen+Street=Hockey Temper. Jon liked it.
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jake said...

did you guys fix up the dirt at that wallride. i was there a few weeks back and it was real lumpy and shit

bk said...

that footplant is sick!