Sunday, May 15, 2011

The world ends in 6 days.

That's a bit of a bummer, but the more I think about it, I am okay with it. Let's get it over with. Though honestly, if it is the rapture and Jesus shows up, I am pretty sure I can take him, thus stopping the end of the world. My price for performing such a service? Nudes of Lily Allen. New ones. Not the ones that I can GIS on my phone.

Bobby Fisher got a new bike together and brought it by so I could give him some pedals. This man gave me my first bike. I can spare the dude some Trailmix pedals.

More pics of him riding this silver beast later.

Got a new lens, which made this picture nice to snap. Tim Lewis has a gilded crotch. Ask him to show you.

Tetro roasting a nice table that actually hurt his wrist a little. I told him it was worth it, because it looked niiiiiice.

This is a solid crew of dudes to ride with. Good men and good company...

Timmy Lew took a photo of me in the bowl. Ice picker licker liquor lick her...


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