Monday, January 2, 2012

The last day.

This was the last picture that I took of 2011.

It was of Michael Tetro, and he just happened to show up the park on a day that I went by myself because anymore, I just go alone. I was glad that he was there and I enjoyed having someone to ride with, because riding alone does get old. We talked about going to Austin together in the spring, which would be an excellent journey. Then I had to go because I had to get ready to go get drunk for New Year's Eve. As it turned out, I didn't really get all that drunk. I had some SoCo, a beer and that was that. A low key end to a year that was all over the map for me. My son started Kindergarten, my daughter got picked to go to Finland and my wife decided to learn how to dry, grind up and encapsulate placentas.

Anyways, I'll end this with one of the cooler parts of 2011 for me...

That was pretty neat.

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