Sunday, August 24, 2008

Flat tires and flatter motivations...

I had to work this weekend. By "work" I mean I had to get up at 2 a.m. and do some phone stuff for the job. I finished up at 6 a.m. and I feel awful. It totally wiped me out. As has been well documented, I am not a young man (though the server at Barley's the other night thought so) and stuff like this doesn't go so hot for me anymore.

We got a puppy the other day. She is a small beagle like animal that Mica named "Pinecone". She is a sweet little thing and sleeps more than anything I have ever seen. I have some pictures of her that I will post later on as I do not want to steal Mica's thunder on this. Well, I'll steal it a little bit...

I went to go ride tonight and found that I had a flat tire. I stupidly left my pump at the house (I actually had a spare tube) so I just wandered about taking some pictures. These are the fruits of that labor...

Nothing special, but I love that JFG sign. Not that the picture is that great...I just love the way that damn sign looks.

School starts for me tomorrow. I am nervous.


micasue said...

I like the JFG too.

You and P-cone are just adorable!

Tonight is gonna be fun, and I can't wait to order out art. It will be awesome hanging over the bed!

Anonymous said...


big sis

Taylor said...

oh man. school?! good luck. hope the big kids dont beat you up and give you wedgies. ha, i would.

Anonymous said...

man, i'm seriously getting a dog. like a real dog, not some munchkin wannabe...